National Massage Championship 2019

Winners of the National Massage Championship 2019
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National Massage Championship 2019

September 2019 saw us back at the National Massage Championship at Olympia Beauty, and this time we had the pleasure of sponsoring five competing massage therapists.

Welcoming all qualified UK massage therapists and bodyworkers, the National Massage Championship gives therapists a platform to showcase their skills in any of six different categories: Advanced Massage; SPA/Wellness Massage; Freestyle Massage; Eastern Massage; Chair Massage and Swedish/Deep Tissue Massage. The championship is run by therapists, for therapists, and judged by an international panel of judges with extensive professional massage therapy experience.

Our sponsees this year included:

  • Monica Paslaru from Elemental Massage Therapy – competing in Freestyle Massage with Tamer Morsy, and Eastern Massage
  • Tamer Morsy from Heal of Hand Massage Therapy – competing in Freestyle Massage with Monica Paslaru, and Advanced Massage
  • Ian Tennant from Thrive & Enjoy – competing in Freestyle Massage
  • Grace Boateng from Natural Grace Therapies – competing in SPA/Wellness Massage and Swedish/Deep Tissue Massage
  • Margaret Opedo from TrueDreams – competing in SPA/Wellness Massage and Advanced Massage

It was wonderful to see all of these therapists at work alongside the other contestants. The National Massage Championship is always a treasure trove of fascinating new techniques and a unique glimpse into the intimate connection between therapist and client.

A real stand-out for us, and other spectators, was Monica Paslaru’s and Tamer Morsy’s beautiful joint 4 hand massage in the Freestyle Massage category. You can find a video of their performance here.

Monica and Tamer were awarded first place in the Freestyle Massage category, with Monica also coming second in Eastern Massage and Tamer coming second in Advanced Massage. Ian Tennant won third place in the Freestyle Massage category.

We were delighted to see so many therapists using our massage waxes and Liquiwaxes; not just our sponsees! It was a pleasure to watch Kate Browne from Cotswold Mobile Massage as she used our Sports Liquiwax for her treatment. Kate came first in the Advanced Massage category and went on to win the overall Judges’ Excellence Award!

A huge congratulations to all the winners of the 2019 championship, and everyone who competed. We look forward to seeing you all at Olympia Beauty in 2020!